Thursday, September 24, 2009

CORE VALUE: Collapse Time.

A quick refresher. I'm convinced that remarkable and uncommon performers tenaciously adhere to a set of behaviors, moment after moment, day after day that separates them from the vast majority of sales "executives" and earns for them the respect and trust of their customers and prospective customers. In prior postings we talked about the notion of "Service to All Others, Before Self," as a Core Value that can inevitably help make one's performance remarkable, and lead to uncommon rewards (see prior post; "Mother Nature Has Your Back."). We also posited that "Loving Your Work and Working Tirelessly," is another Core Value predisposing one to notable achievement.

A third and important Core Value that portends outstanding results is the ability to Collapse Time. There are some among us who seem to be able to accomplish things in time frames that mere mortals could never match. These extraordinary sales folk don't agonize; They recognize early on when further analysis will reveal little more, and they don't procrastinate. They have a bias for action. Simply put, they get more done! My partners and I have investments in a number of portfolio companies. Almost every week, at least one of those companys' top executives spends a half day with us in whiteboard sessions. We circulate an agenda before the meeting so that all come prepared with thoughts on the issues to be discussed, and then our founding partner facilitates a roundtable brainstorm. My partners and I have been approaching sales, branding, marketing and operational issues in this fashion for over twenty-five years. We are led by the hardest working, fastest thinking discussion facilitator I have ever seen. And we consistently get more work done in these half day sessions than many executive teams could get done in a week of off sites. We are not cowboys but we do understand decision making.

One of our partners is a very well known and skilled researcher. Before we address decisions on the agenda, he's done the research that we need to guide us. But we also understand that a decision is an action you have to take in the absence of clear research leading the way. If the research tells you what to do, there's no decision to make. Follow the research. In the absence of hard data to tell you left from right, pick one. (As Yogi Berra says, "when you get to the fork in the road, take it."). Make a decision. DON'T AGONIZE, which is really an excuse for PROCRASTINATION, which in turn, is a behavior (or non-behavior) in response to FEAR OF FAILURE. "Should I call this prospect or that for a sales appointment? This or that? Or perhaps him, or her? Oh wait a minute. Mom asked me to call today. I'll get back to prospecting later."

Get it?

One of the rules we work under at our firm us "the 24 hour rule." From the point of decision-making, almost everything gets done in 24 hours. Let's not quibble about logical exceptions to the rule. I don't have the time.

Don't "agonize." Don't be afraid to fail. If this guy won't see you, that one will. Make the calls. Many calls. Many more than anyone else can possibly make. The number of people you can help is unending. You are on the way to being uncommon, yes, remarkable, and in a collapsed time frame.

1 comment:

  1. This is probably the hardest working and thinking guy I know...and I should...I work for him. I don't always agree with him, but if I did, I wouldn't be working for him.
